I have seen with surprise and pleasure the statements of a Shell manager announcing the abandonment of her company because she has convinced herself that Shell does not care at all about the problem of climate change, and instead continues to develop new wells to extract more oil and get more profit.

This is Caroline Dennett, who has worked for more than 11 years as a consultant for Shell (one of the largest oil companies in the world) in risk prevention work.

Oil companies are very good at risk prevention, as their jobs deal with many possible risks, but unfortunately they do nothing to prevent the biggest risk we face, which is climate change.

In the following video Caroline explains the reasons for her resignation, and they are very clear and simple: https://youtu.be/26ce18hNrbk

I am constantly impressed by the cynicism of large companies when they declare their intentions to transmit positivity to the market, and then continue to do what is convenient for them, which is often the opposite of what they say.

And that's what Shell does. Years ago she declared its firm intention to be a carbon neutral company by the year 2050, but it has not taken a single step in that direction, quite the contrary.

As Caroline points out, they continue to search for new wells to extract more oil, and put their economic benefits far ahead of the global interest in climate change that we are all going to experience.

The courage of Caroline and others (some time ago it was also known of the resignation of an Exxon engineer) is to be appreciated, if that makes many of those who still work in the world of oil extraction think.

The solution is neither comfortable nor easy. People have to continue earning a living and at the same time thinking about the near future that awaits us. And the same with companies. But what is not acceptable is that the most powerful (such as Shell) continue determined to destroy our future thinking only of their short-term benefit.

It is a selfishness that is very much within human nature, and that is why I am less optimistic about it every day.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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