Amador Palacios

Life summary

My name is Amador Palacios and I was born in Bilbao many years ago.

I am a Telecommunications Engineer from the ETSIT of Madrid and I have worked for more than 40 years in various industrial companies related to Electronics, Defense, Aeronautics, etc ... starting in technical tasks related to my studies and finishing (the last 25 years) in business management and administration tasks.

After leaving my stage of working life I dedicate an important part of my time helping and advising in entrepreneurship and business creation.

My personal curiosity leads me to publish a Blog about topics that are very dear to me that have to do with technologies, social changes, etc ... that affect us all, and that are changing our way of life.

The changes that we are experiencing, and that are becoming faster, affect us all without distinction, and those that best adapt to them will be those with the greatest chances of success in the future.

As long as our spirit is awake and active, we all have our grain of sand to contribute and that is what I intend with the reflections of my Blog.

Opinions other than mine are welcome

My personal e-mail is:

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological Issues. Other opinions different from mine are welcome