I have read with interest the information from the Company  Jetoptera   https://jetoptera.com/   which has proposed a new propulsion system that does not have propellers or blades to push or compress the air to make the plane fly.

As indicated by the company on its website, the Jetoptera design is a true distributed propulsion that is integrated into a novel fuselage. It improves propulsion efficiency by more than 10% and reduces fuel consumption by more than 50% compared to small turbojets. The propulsión system saves approximately 30% in weight compared to turbofans or turboprops and also significantly reduces complexity. And also the plane is capable of flying in VTOL mode.

A schematic of the plane's design can be seen below. What it leads to on either side are two air vents that push the plane forward, and if those parts are made movable it can be VTOL capable, making the plane even more interesting.

And in another photo below you can see the fluid system that propels the plane

They have already carried out flights with several small prototypes to demonstrate the viability of the idea, and from the data they have obtained they believe that they can put planes up to 10,000 pounds (small passenger planes) in the air that reach a speed of mach 0.8 , which is double what they now achieve with a propeller.

And I think it has another additional advantage, since they can change the fossil fuel for an electric battery that runs the compressor that sends the air to the thrusters. And in this hypothetical case, the vehicle would be non-polluting and would have a better future.

It remains to be seen if this idea could be more scalable and get bigger planes. As always, we will have to let some time pass and they need to continue working on their projects, but I like the idea

A video can be seen at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axfwKkBFuJU

I wish them the best of luck.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

2 thoughts on “La nueva tecnología de un vuelo con una propulsión sin aspas”
  1. Que tal estas Amador?
    no termino de entender el invento.
    Si que comprendo que puede haber una mejora en las toberas de propulsion, al estilo de los secadores de manos modernos, pero el aire habra que comprimirlo con un compresor convencional de alto rendimiento, de alabes. La energia dinamica para mover el compresor la produce un motor, tambien rotativo, que a lo mejor tambien ayuda un poco al empuje total con su tobera de escape que se ve en la parte superior del prototipo. Parece que es un tema doble de mejora de rendimiento de compresion del aire por un lado y de mejora en la distribucion del aire comprimido de empuje. O no es eso?

    1. En efecto. Por la manera de salir al exterior el aire previamente comprimido, según las pruebas realizadas por esta gente hay una mejora muy importante en la fuerza de empuje, y por lo tanto de sustentación del aparato.
      Me encanta ver como la gente crea cosas nuevas donde la mayoría no las ven.

      Un abrazo.

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