If we look a bit around the streets, more and more electric bicycles are being circulated on them every day. And the same happens with electric scooters.

I believe that the alternative of electric personal transport is ideal for cities. It is not very expensive, it does not pollute, it can be carried manually anywhere, etc ...

The "problem" is to make alternative routes available to these vehicles to the current ones so that they do not invade the sidewalks of pedestrians. And also make citizens aware that we must change our travel habits, abandoning the private car and adopting collective transport and private electrical means such as bicycles.

Today electric bicycles can be used by almost everyone, regardless of their age and physical condition, because in the case of having to climb a hill it is the electric motor that makes the effort to take us up.

There are those who say that it is the transport of the future of cities, but I prefer to be a little more cautious, since I believe that the development of mobility will have different lines of action and electric bicycles will be one of them.

Today electric bicycles have a range of more than 80 km with a speed of the order of 30 km / h, so they are useful to be used for several days without the need to recharge them every day. And their prices are every day more than reasonable.

I really don't see much point in buying a new non-electric bike. For a little more cost you have a much wider utility.

The popularity of electric bikes occurs all over the world, and their sales figures show it, as they continue to increase every year.

To support my reasoning a little more with data, in the USA the increase in sales of electric bicycles in recent years has been 50% per year, and something similar occurs in other developed countries.

We must change our mentality and see electric bicycles as a truly alternative means of personal transport, and that the Administrations facilitate it in the surroundings of the cities.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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