To say that journalism has changed in recent years is nothing new, because almost everything has changed and continues to do so. Many newspapers and many jobs for journalists have disappeared and those that remain are subject (that is my opinion) to the “dictatorship” of Social Networks.

Because today the "opinion makers" are not the great journalists of yesterday, but what appears on social networks controlled by a few companies that we all know.

In general we don't give it much thought, but today journalists are "measured" by many parameters, and I suppose that their opinions will vary in some way so that the picture people have of them is a little more positive.

The few newspapers that survive do so based on the “followers” they have, whether they are paid or because of the media's advertising.


And although I have placed the photo of a paper newspaper, the fight is waged in the online environment. Both from the publication of the online newspaper, and from the Social Networks that echo its news.

And everything that is written by a journalist is measured with different parameters. It is known whether the content of what he writes is liked by the readers or not. The users are measured, how many are new, the average interaction time, etc… And many other performance parameters, CTR, etc… are measured.

In short, EVERYTHING is measured by a global surveillance system, and the "worst" thing about this control is that we do not know the parameters that companies use to make these measurements.

We don't know what algorithms Google, Facebook, and others use to output their data. But we do know that everyone looks at them and uses them.

In the end there is a kind of "dictatorship" of these large companies that measure us and judge us without us knowing the parameters they use to do so.

Journalists, like so many others, are in their hands. Although it would be more accurate to say that we are ALL in their hands. And if someone believes in freedom of the press, I suggest him to think about it again and qualify it.

And the question that arises is: is this going to be like this forever? Or are we going to rebel?

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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