In the digital age, computer systems have become an essential tool for work. Workers use these systems to perform their tasks, communicate with their colleagues, and access information. However, these systems can also be used to monitor workers online.

Computer systems can be used to monitor workers in a variety of ways. Some of the most common are:

  • Activity tracking: Computer systems can record worker activity, such as the time they spend on each task, the web pages they visit, or the applications they use.
  • Location monitoring: Computer systems can be used to track the location of workers, for example, through the use of mobile phones or GPS devices.
  • Content filtering: Computer systems can be used to filter the content accessed by workers, for example to prevent them from accessing unauthorized websites or applications.
  • Recording of communications: Computer systems can be used to record workers' communications, such as emails, phone calls or conversations on social networks.

Online monitoring of workers can have various consequences, both positive and negative.

Positive consequences:

  • Improved productivity: Online monitoring can help companies improve worker productivity as they can identify areas where performance can be improved.
  • Fraud prevention: Online monitoring can help companies prevent fraud, such as the theft of confidential information or misuse of company resources.
  • Improved security: Online monitoring can help companies improve the security of their computer systems, as they can identify and block potential threats.

Negative consequences:

  • Decreased privacy: Online monitoring can be a violation of workers' privacy, as these systems can collect a large amount of personal data.
  • Increased stress: Online monitoring can increase workers' stress, as they may feel constantly watched.
  • Decreased motivation: Online monitoring can decrease workers' motivation, as they may feel as if they are being treated like machines.

As far as I know, these practices are prohibited in Europe, but I don't know what companies do without us knowing. And what seems very important to me is that workers know the possibilities of technology and can take various measures to protect themselves from online control, such as:

  • Be aware of the company's privacy policies: Workers should carefully read the company's privacy policies to know what personal data computer systems are collecting.
  • Use a secure VPN connection: Workers can use a secure VPN connection to protect their privacy when accessing company IT systems from outside the office.
  • Avoid using personal devices for work: Workers should avoid using personal devices for work, as these devices may be more vulnerable to online monitoring

But the most important thing is that governments take the necessary measures to protect workers from online control, such as:

  • Privacy legislation: Governments should enact laws that protect workers' privacy, for example by prohibiting the use of online monitoring systems that collect sensitive personal data.
  • Regulation of online monitoring systems: Governments must regulate online monitoring systems to ensure they are used responsibly. And most importantly: check that it is complied with.

Online control of workers is a reality that is increasing. Companies can use these systems to improve productivity, prevent fraud, and improve security. However, people's privacy must be guaranteed above all else.

Not everything goes, neither at work nor outside of it. And we must fight relentlessly for our independence and our privacy.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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