The "metaverse" is the new word that is fashionable and many talk about it, but I am not sure that everyone knows much about what they are talking about, since most offer their particular versions. And yes, almost everyone says that it has a huge future ahead.

And I'm not so sure about that, because the future, as its name suggests, is yet to come, and then what actually arrives may be something quite different from what a few predict.

This topic of the metaverse is so “big” that one of the biggest companies in the world (Facebook) changed its name and was renamed “Meta”. Which clearly indicates the new approach that this company and many others like Microsoft, etc… are going to take.

For me, the most important thing is that the metaverse takes place in a virtual world, and that the interactions between people take place in that virtual world. Which implies that to immerse themselves in that world, people need virtual reality glasses, and Facebook already has a company that makes such glasses.


The preachers of this new idea sell it as a fundamentally social activity, and that in that virtual world everyone is related to everyone in a virtual way through their own "avatars" (images created of oneself that each can choose to their liking) to do almost anything: chat, travel, watch movies, play games, etc…. almost anything that comes to mind.

The "problem" in my opinion is that this metaverse that they offer us is something fictitious (they call it virtual, but it is fictitious) and what we see are digital images of other people or things. When I communicate with someone online, I see him in person as he is, and I like that much more than seeing a digital “dummy” that represents a person.

Someone can tell me that I am old-fashioned and I accept it, but I like to see people as they are, and I like to live in a real world in which the necessary technologies are available to solve part of their limitations.

I don't like being immersed in a fictitious and imaginary world, and it's not at all clear that many people like it, least of all for many hours each day. I don't see most people with special glasses on for many hours each day.

It remains to be seen how all this in the metaverse will end, but it is quite likely that it will be much less than what they assure us.

And we cannot forget that one of the underlying problems is that this "world" is totally controlled by large technology companies. They are the most interested in convincing us to put ourselves in their hands to live most of our lives in their "virtual environment".

They want us to go from living in our house to living in theirs. Are we aware of that?

If we already have little privacy with everything they know about us, everything can be considered over in the metaverse. Zero privacy, plus total and absolute control of our activities.

Thank you very much, but for me I do not want that fictional world. I prefer to live in reality, however hard it may be sometimes.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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