The capacity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is developing faster every day and possible consequences are beginning to be seen that were not even imagined at first.

It was always said that AI could replace the most repetitive tasks of people, and in general those jobs with less contribution of human intelligence, and now it seems that this is not the case.

After the great surprise that the ChatGPT program has brought to almost everyone, which we have seen respond in an "intelligent" way to almost all the questions that were asked, now the company (Open AI) goes one step further with the appearance of GPT-4.

This is a much more powerful program and no longer free, which is going to be used to profoundly change the way many people work, and this includes a multitude of people's tasks, which need some intelligence to be carried out. And that it was not thought that the AI would be able to tackle them so quickly.

Me refiero a labores de programación, de ingenieros, de matemáticos,  etc …., en definitiva de gente creativa que aportaba un alto valor añadido en su trabajo. A continuación se puede ver una lista que ha aparecido de esos trabajos en riesgo, que resulta francamente sorprendente.

And another list has also appeared with the jobs that in principle will be less affected by GPT-4, which curiously many of them are manual and non-repetitive jobs

 Of course, all this information must be taken from a prudential distance for several reasons:

First, because they are related to a specific AI program ( GPT-4 ) that is not yet well known, and will continue to evolve.

Second, because the AI is somewhat more complex and extensive than GPT-4. Other developments and new AI applications will appear, which in some cases will surprise us, and not always for the better.

But, a fundamental problem with this technology is that it is being developed due to the drive and interest of large companies that compete with each other for a share of the market, but there are no criteria of common interest that are being applied to ensure that the results are beneficial for most, and that are not harmful to society.

Dear friends, AI is here to stay and every day we will see new possibilities, but I miss Google's primitive corporate slogan “don´t be evil”  , which unfortunately they no longer use.

Technology is welcome, but always with supervision and control by the Society.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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