We have all seen many old movies that were in black and white, and in some cases some of them have been "colored" to give them a more modern appearance, but that implied a lot of work and that situation is about to change.

And it is because at the University of Graz they have developed an algorithm that colors black and white films according to a series of guidelines provided by the person who monitors the "work".

In the past, tests have been done to color a film automatically, but the results were not very accurate because at many moments in the film the colors did not seem real.

With this new algorithm, deep learning technologies are combined with automatic coloring technologies, and the result is an almost fully automatic algorithm, but where the user can control the process.

If in a scene the user decides, for example, what the color of a suit is, the algorithm puts that color in the rest of the frames in which appears that type of suit.

A lot of old movies showed a kind of graininess on the screen because the photographic techniques were what they were. And this new algorithm is also capable of providing that grain if desired, so that old colored films do not lose that "old" flavor they had. Everything to suit the consumer.

Something worth noting is that the University has made the source code of the algorithm freely available to anyone who wants it.

A video can be seen at: https://youtu.be/TuNVa-eli7g

I like to see that Technology develops in all areas and each in its own way. It only depends on people's creativity, and all the steps that are taken encourage us to learn new things.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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