That's the way it is, unfortunately, deforestation continues to increase in the Amazon region, despite the promises of Brazilian political leaders.

Deforestation has increased in the Amazon by more than 20% in recent years (2020-21) as can be seen in a data obtained from the Brazilian organization PRODES.

Adapting the curve to today (2021) it can be deduced that deforestation in the Amazon is at the levels of 2007 (almost 15,000 square km per year) and growing, which is a worrying sign of the lack of action of the Brazilian government.

This data is measured today by satellites that monitor what is happening around the world in real time. Obtaining this information is simple and the Brazilian government has it. If deforestation in the Amazon increases, it is because the government allows it.

And the immediate motive is money. In deforested areas, other crops or livestock are grown, and both activities generate short-term benefits.

Today, countries do not receive income from their "activity" of conserving our atmosphere, and that should change. If we want the least developed countries to maintain their jungles and forests, this activity should have a “value” and earn an “income” from it.

That way we’ll change our way of thinking and acting. Because in the end, it all comes down to money. If something generates economic income, it is cared for and preserved, and if not it’s abandoned. Today we cannot afford any type of deforestation and our green areas should be repopulated and regenerated.

At the last COP26 on Climate Change, the countries agreed to contribute 100 billion dollars a year to this action, but it remains to be seen that they do so and that the countries really receive the income that corresponds to them for maintaining our Nature.

That promise was already made a few years ago and it has never been fulfilled. Let's hope it's different now after we have ALL seen our climate continue to deteriorate by leaps and bounds, and politicians around the world act with due speed.

I am quite skeptical about it and I would like nothing more than to be wrong.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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