Drinking water is a scarce commodity, and it will become more scarce every day around the world. Getting drinking water by desalinating sea water is expensive and consumes a lot of energy, and recently a company has appeared that offers a solution to get drinking water from the sea and using only wave energy.

The company that presented it is called Oneka Technologies and it is a new Canadian company. The idea is novel and you can see information about the company on its WEB:  https://www.onekawater.com

The system consists of a floating “barge” that is placed in the sea, and contains a complete seawater desalination system, and the entire system is activated by the movement of sea waves. The drinking water generated is brought to land through a pipe and as many “devices” as desired can be placed in the water.

Just at an information level, there are currently more than 300 million people who have drinking water through desalination plants, which consume a lot of electrical energy. And this number of people will increase in the future.

This new system is completely mechanical, and takes advantage of the movement of the waves. The bigger the waves, the more energy is generated and the more drinking water is obtained.

The company has generated different desalination systems, and the largest is capable of generating around 50,000 liters of water per day, and in my opinion one of its advantages is that several systems can be placed nearby to obtain the drinking water that is needed.

An explanatory video can be seen at: https://youtu.be/Cab2znx2cnc

I think it's a very good idea and very practical. We can only hope that it is successful in the market, so that there is a new method of obtaining drinking water, and also in a sustainable and autonomous way.

Time will tell

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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