We all know that Artificial Intelligence is being introduced in almost all the activities carried out by humans, and it is increasingly carrying out functions of greater added value and that requires greater intelligence from the people who carry them out today.

Today I am going to reflect on the announcement made by the Artificial Intelligence company Deep Mind belonging to Alphabet (Google) and which is well known for the results it has achieved by making its programs beat the world's greatest experts in different games.

Now they take another step and make their "system" dedicated to making computer programs, which is a job that until now is done by computer programmers around the world.

And what is surprising is that his "system" is capable of generating "computer programs" that are at the level of a programmer with average experience. In other words, it still cannot compete with the most expert programmers, but it is capable of reaching the average.

It will be a matter of time, and possibly not much, before this system improves its results by performing Deep Learning exercises and programs better and better, approaching (if not surpassing) the best programmers.

We don't have to think long to see the consequences of this step. A job that until now was done by human experts in a fairly creative field such as programming, is now being done by a machine with more than acceptable results.

When Deep Mind's machine continues to improve its results, in that company (and in many others) will be needed fewer programmers to carry out their jobs, and people with a very high technical level will be replaced by machines.

 If this happens with people with a high technical level, what will not happen with people who carry out functions of a lower level?

And extrapolating the reasoning, in the not too distant future we will find a multitude of people whose work can be done by machines, who also never get tired, work all hours of each day and do not ask for salary increases.

The future situation could be to tremble!

I believe that as a Society we must consider alternatives so that people have decent ways of earning a living, and that this society of the future is not the fight of some wolves against others. Because we already know that the biggest wolves are always the ones that win.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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