There is a lot of talk about what animals contaminate and how "bad" red meat is for proper nutrition. And many others advocate obtaining laboratory meat so as not to depend on animals. I am sure that everyone is partially right, but I think that, as almost always, the optimal point is a balance between several possibilities.

It must be recognized that plant-based meats are already offered in many places, more and more are being sold and significant growth is expected in the near future. And as time goes on, manufacturers will come up with flavors that taste more like animal meat, adjusting their costs and lowering prices.

Listening to the experts, it is clear to me that I am going to eat less red meat, despite how much I like it, and I will replace it with other types of meat and fish. No problem.

But food is something very complex that cannot be reduced only to meat. There are many types of complementary foods, especially for people who eat highly processed foods, which are cheap and unhealthy. But despite this, they are eaten a lot because of their low price and easy purchase.

Laboratory meats are obtained by very complex chemical processes and highly protected by patents, which only large companies can carry out. So as time goes by, these companies will group together and our food will be in a few hands that will control the market. Something that can happen in a few tens of years. Watch out !!!

I have read that there are some products that can be supplied to cattle and eliminate a large part of the polluting gases they emit. It will be good to do it, but knowing that red meats are not the best option to have a proper diet. It will be necessary to change some animals for others, and at the same time use more products of plant origin.

On the other hand, we have to bear in mind that after the world war, in the 1950s, many products were developed to fertilize the land and eliminate pests, which over time have ended up being seen as contaminates of the land and groundwater, with which the use of these products made us lose part of the diversity of our environment.

It has been known for a long time that natural fertilizers are more sustainable, even if they produce somewhat smaller harvests. We must go down that path, feeding animals naturally and not locking them up in small spaces to be fattened artificially.

For decades, the obsession was to lower the prices of food (meat, eggs, etc…) regardless of their quality. Now that's over. Now the quality and sustainability of what we eat prevails, and this will increase in the future.

We have to change what we eat, but also the way we produce food. If the livestock is not so intensive, the meat will be better and the soil will not degrade as much.

I believe that a “mix” can be achieved between meat of natural and sustainable animal origin, with meat of vegetable origin and meat from the laboratory. But without depending absolutely on only one, and without being exclusive.

Although I am clear that I will eat very little red meat in the future. Because it's been a while since my wife has bought any.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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