And I mean oysters as food, yes oysters.

I have read the idea from Sajjad Choudhury @saijad choudhury who have written a post in Medium magazine, and it has made me see a new perspective on this unknown marine animal and I thank him from here.

In general, we see oysters as an expensive, exclusive, minority product, etc ... and that most of us rarely eat. But I suppose that's because few are produced and their prices are high.

Today much is written about climate change and its various causes, and one of them is the way we eat.

Livestock occupy around 70% of agricultural land, provide us with 20% of the calories we consume and generate 40% of methane emissions into the atmosphere.

Much work is being done to obtain artificial meats, which is a viable way to have new foods and others should be added, and the more the better. And maybe oysters could be one of them.

I provide some information on oysters.

Six oysters give us only 50 calories, but they have other nutrients.

100 gr. of oysters they give us 7 gr. protein, 80% of our daily needs for Vitamin C, more than 300% of our daily needs for Vitamin 12, in addition to other products such as Omega 3, Selenium, etc ...

And their cultivation has in my opinion two enormous advantages: it hardly takes up space and they do not have to be fed.

Oysters can be grown one on top of the other placed on vertical supports under water.

And for their food, they do so by absorbing the nutrients that are in the waters that surround them, and it is essential that these waters must have running water flows for a better diet.

The needs of the personnel that are needed for their maintenance are very small, and if they are grown in large quantities, their prices should drop significantly; with what people would buy them more and they would become more popular.

This is a possible business that does not need large investments, it is more about changing our mentality and discovering new start-up possibilities in places where now we only see water.

Hopefully someone will be encouraged to take up this venture.      

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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