More and more people are emphasizing that to achieve the 2050 climate goals we need to reduce our energy consumption by more than 50%. And that is not easy.

Just so we have a fact: in the year 2000, fossil fuels provided 80% of the energy we consume in the world; and in 2019 they contributed 81% of that energy.

Which indicates that despite the great increase in recent years in the generation of energy by renewable means, the increase in world energy consumption has been so great that most of the energy we continue to obtain comes from fossil fuels.

And this is not going to change in a short time, if we do not change the main premise of our problem, which is the enormous energy consumption that we have in developed countries and that continues to increase. That is, if we don't change our way of living.

And that dear friends are big words.

Because no one wants to live "worse" than they lived before. But we must bear in mind that what is better or worse is totally subjective, and depends entirely on our perception.

We can live well in cities by using more public transport and polluting less.

We can live well in winter by adjusting the heating to 18ºC instead of 23ºC, and therefore consume less.

The same in summer, adjusting the air conditioning to 26ºC 

In addition to recycling what we consume, we can live well by consuming local and seasonal things, minimizing the polluting trail.

We can change our eating habits and eat less red meat and reduce our environmental footprint.

And etc, etc, etc….

We can do many things living "well" but with common sense and thinking about what we do, and ultimately consuming less.

It is up to the Administrations to educate their citizens so that they change their habits, and at the same time change quickly and urgently the means of energy generation, so that electricity is not polluting.

The technology is available, and what you have to have is the will to make the necessary investments, so as not to have to spend the money later on remedying the disasters that we cause. Avoiding problems, as expensive as it may be, costs much less than repairing its consequences.

Our social behavior needs to be rethought and modified in depth, but I don't see anyone who even proposes it.

We, or better, our descendants will pay the consequences of our stupidity and selfishness in the short term.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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