I have seen in The Guardian newspaper a survey on what Europeans think about climate change, and what they would be willing to "sacrifice" on a personal level to help prevent the catastrophe that experts predict.

And the results of that survey are a bit discouraging, because in general people feel sensitive to this climate change that we have upon us, but they are not willing to sacrifice their current well-being, and they do not want to lose the privileges that they have. And I think that is the reality in which we are living.

People would be willing for governments to take measures to correct climate change, but without significantly changing their way of living or their current quality of life.

Some would be more willing to make some sacrifices like eating more fruits or vegetables, or buying an electric car (with government aid of course), but little else.

The survey has been carried out in 7 European countries: UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Italy, and a summary can be seen below:

Some lifestyle changes to address climate change lack support

Proportion of people ( % ) willing to make lifestyle changes to address climate change

Only eat fruit and vegetables                                                            50

that are in season

Never buy products made from                                                        50

single-use plastic

Switch to an electric car                                25 a   30

Personally cover the costs to make              25  a  30

your home more energy efficient

Pay an extra fee for flights to offset              25  a  30

the environmental impact

Only walk, cycle or use public transport        20  a  40

Cut meat and dairy products out

of your diet completely                                  10  a  20

Have fewer children than you would

otherwise like                                                 10  a  20

Guardian graphic. Source: YouGov. Sample Size: 1,985 adults in GB, 1,002 France, 1,996 Germany, 1,016 Denmark, 1,008 Sweden 1,008 Spain, 1,005 Italy. Fieldwork 5-24 April 2023

After looking at these data, in my opinion it seems that people in Europe are not sufficiently sensitized to make efforts on a personal level that really change what is happening.

That means that we are going to continue on the same path, and the climatic situation will be worse and worse. Until when ? Well, until it's too late.

That’s life.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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