There is no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) is on the rise. It is being used in a wide range of applications, from healthcare to transportation and entertainment. As AI becomes more sophisticated, its cost is likely to increase as well.

People are used to having free services on the Internet, although in reality they are not free at all, since they obtain enormous profits with the information they collect from all of us and then sell to the highest bidder. That is partly why large technology companies have grown so much in such a short time.

But the case of AI is quite different. First of all, AI development is an expensive process. It requires a large amount of data, computing power and human talent. Second, AI is becoming increasingly more complex. Advanced AI applications require a lot of resources to run. Third, AI is becoming increasingly important to business success. Companies that want to stay competitive need to invest in AI.

All this makes it very clear to us that the AI of the future does not seem to be free. Some simple AI applications may make them free so that users get used to them, and later decide to upgrade to the PRO option and pay for it.

We must be very clear that AI is expensive to develop and use.

Development: AI development is an expensive process. It requires a large amount of data, computing power and human talent. Data is essential for training AI systems. The more data used to train a system, the more accurate and powerful it will be. Computing power is also essential for training and running AI systems. Advanced AI systems can require a large amount of computing power to operate. Human talent is also essential for the development of AI. AI scientists and engineers need specialized training to develop advanced AI systems.

Usage: Advanced AI applications are also expensive to use. They require a large amount of resources to function. For example, autonomous vehicles need sophisticated sensors, cameras and software. These components can be expensive to purchase and maintain. Healthcare AI systems can also be expensive to use. They require a large amount of data and computing power.

But these large costs do not stop companies, if the right benefits are achieved. AI is becoming increasingly important to business success. Companies that want to stay competitive need to invest in AI. AI can help businesses automate tasks, improve efficiency, and make better decisions

I have read statements from some senior managers saying that AI had saved them many tens of millions of dollars in customer service tasks, and in other applications.

Because what almost no senior manager says is that AI is very useful for companies to get rid of a non-negligible part of their staff and thus lower their salary costs. But we can see that many companies like Google and others are doing it.

And make no mistake, the cost of AI has several implications. First, it can lead to greater inequality. Companies that can invest in AI will have a competitive advantage over companies that cannot. This can lead to a widening gap between rich and poor.

Second, the cost of AI can limit access to the technology. People who can't afford AI will fall behind people who can. This can lead to further social exclusion.

Let us be clear that AI is not a panacea for everyone, and that NOT EVERYONE is going to benefit from it. Some will benefit much more than others, and as always, those who benefit the most will be those with the greatest economic power.

It is very important that steps are taken to make AI more accessible. AI has the potential to improve everyone's lives, but only if it is affordable for everyone.

We will do it ? Allow me to doubt it.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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