The meat industry is one of the most subsidized in the world. In the United States, for example, the federal government spends about $38 billion a year on subsidies for the meat industry. This is more than the government spends on subsidies for all other agricultural products combined. And in Europe something very similar happens

These subsidies help keep meat prices low, making it more affordable for consumers. However, they also have a number of negative consequences.

First, meat subsidies make it more profitable to raise cattle, leading to an increase in meat production. This has a negative impact on the environment, as livestock farming is one of the main causes of climate change, deforestation and water pollution.

Second, meat subsidies make it harder for small farms to compete, since they can't get the same low prices for their meat as big companies. This has led to the closure of many small farms and a decline in agricultural diversity.

Third, meat subsidies distort the market by making meat appear cheaper than it really is. This can lead to consumers consuming more meat than they need, which can have a negative impact on their health.

There are a number of reasons why the government continues to subsidize the meat industry. One reason is that the meat industry is very powerful and has a lot of lobbying power. Another reason is that the meat industry is very important for the economy, since it provides many jobs.

However, it is important to consider the negative consequences of meat subsidies before continuing with them. Subsidies for meat have a negative impact on the environment, the economy and the health of consumers. It's time for the government to stop subsidizing the meat industry and start supporting more sustainable alternatives

And these things do not happen by chance, but because these industries have great political and economic lobbying power, and make government "aid" go to them, instead of other more sustainable meat options.

One Earth magazine has published an analysis of what is happening in the USA and in Europe, which is practically the same. Between the years 2014 and 2020, aid for alternative and organic meats barely reached 0.1% of the total allocated. And this is just a small but important sample of why it costs so much to change our eating habits, and make them more sustainable.

Before, big companies denied climate change, and now that we are already suffering from it and it cannot be denied, they use other delaying tactics to keep everything as it is and continue taking advantage of the situation.

And since users are clueless and uninformed (a lot of money is spent on it), this situation can last for a long time.

The government should stop subsidizing the meat industry and start supporting more sustainable alternatives. These alternatives are more sustainable, healthier, and more affordable than meat. By supporting these alternatives, the government could help create a more sustainable and healthy future for all.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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