Today I am going to comment on the curious case of a robot that is capable of climbing vertical walls, and performing various functions.

To begin with, I like the simplicity of the idea because to "stick" to the wall it does so through fans that extract air and create a vacuum area between the robot and the wall with a suction force of 42 Kg., and that way it does not fall, and it can be moved on any vertical wall and in any direction.

They call the robot HB1 and it is offered by a company called HausBots , which is a start-up formed from a spin-off of the University of Warwick (UK).

The robot can carry a load of 6 kg and perform different functions based on the sensors that are added to it. It can perform wall inspections in buildings, it can also paint in places that are difficult for a person to access, and it can perform other functions that could be dangerous for people.

A video can be seen at:

As I have indicated before, the idea has arisen in a University, and has ended up in the market. I am especially pleased that new companies like this appear from research centers to offer the market the products conceived there. It is a good way to bring wealth to society.

In Universities there are many people with very good ideas, and the robot that climbs vertical walls is one of them, but few reach the market for very different reasons, and especially due to the lack of harmony between what is being investigated and what society needs.

Bringing Universities and Research Centers closer to the market is essential if we want to take advantage of the resources that are applied to them.

That is something that they do quite well in some countries such as the USA, Israel and others, but unfortunately in Spain it is something rarer. We have a lot to improve on this.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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