As Artificial Intelligence is applied to almost everything nowadays, some have thought of asking an Artificial Intelligence program to paint certain types of pictures. And the program has painted them.

I came across an interesting experiment carried out by Nick Saraev. This nice man who is very active on social media has used an AI program to request the creation of a series of paintings, both landscapes and book titles. And the computer has done it in a few seconds.

I recognize that most of the paintings are quite original (you can see a couple of them below) and it has led me to ask myself about the concept of art.


Asking what art is has a very difficult answer and it varies a lot from one person to another. Pictorial art is not the same as sculpture, photography, and etc…. , and when a computer makes a "drawing" it does so instantly and digitally. It has no physical substrate.

 I have read some reflections in the sense that with this type of AI tools we will all have the possibility of “expressing” our art, and I disagree. The one who makes the image is a program with the algorithms that have been programmed, not us. And the fact that what is represented can be called “art” is not very clear to me either.

The ability to capture beauty or another feeling with a work created by the hands of a person will always be at a "different" level than that created by a machine that we know does not feel anything.

In my opinion, art has to do with feelings, and these belong to human beings. I think we should use machines to help us in our technological development, and let artists express what they have inside, with or without the help of machines.

And what do you think? All answers are welcome.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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