Every day we use more control systems to access all kinds of applications, installations, etc… and what was initially announced as a very secure method, after a certain time are discovered different vulnerabilities and it ceases to be as secure as it originally looked like.

If, in addition, the control system is of the “contactless” type, it seems better because it can be used without the risk of any type of contagion by contact. After Covid-19 this particularity is highly appreciated.

I recently saw information about a biometric contact that uses the entire palm of the hand, and that does not require physical contact. We approach our hand to the device and it scans our palm and detects who we are to allow us to access the application.

The device "sees" a map of our hand including its interior veins to ensure that each hand is different from another throughout the world, and thus be able to accurately select the person in question. You can see a photo below.

It is an easy-to-use, non-invasive, hygienic system, and according to its creators it is much safer than fingerprints and others.

All companies and governments are interested in this type of user security solutions, and biometric analysis seems to be one of the most interesting. The market that is presented for companies is very large, and that is why there are so many people working on the subject.

I am not an expert on the subject, but apart from security it is important that these systems are easy to implement. I had heard that the analysis of the iris was one of the safest, but I don't know how it compares with this one of the whole hand.

With the struggle that occurs today between security measures and attempts to hack that information, it is difficult to know by what means, where and how we are truly secure.

Every time someone says that they have a really “secure” system, soon after someone appears who has managed to break into the supposedly secure system and take advantage of the data stored there.

I suppose something similar will happen in this case. Absolute security is very difficult to achieve, assuming it exists.

The most important and sometimes very difficult thing is to find a balance between security, privacy and ease of implementation and use.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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