Offshore wind energy is a renewable energy source with great potential to generate clean emission-free electricity. However, the construction of offshore wind farms can also have a negative impact on marine fauna.

When installed at sea, wind towers can cause collisions with large fish and marine mammals. To mitigate these impacts, offshore wind farm developers are researching new technologies that can reduce the impact of their projects on marine wildlife.

One of these technologies is bubble towers. Bubble towers are devices that are placed around wind towers to generate a column of bubbles that rise from the seabed. These bubbles create noise and turbulence that can discourage fish and marine mammals from approaching towers under construction.

Bubble towers offer a series of benefits for the protection of marine fauna:

  • They discourage animals from approaching. The noise and turbulence created by the bubbles can deter animals from approaching the towers.
  • They are not harmful to animals. Bubbles are not harmful to animals, so they do not pose a risk to their health or well-being.

Research on bubble towers is ongoing, but studies to date have shown that they are an effective technology for reducing the impact of offshore wind farms on marine wildlife and that they do not have any negative effects on the behavior of mammals. marine.

Bubble towers can be used in any type of offshore wind farm, regardless of water depth. However, they are most effective in deep waters, where marine animals are more abundant.

Bubble towers are a promising technology to reduce the impact of offshore wind farms on marine wildlife. Ongoing research is demonstrating that they are an effective and safe technology that can contribute to the construction of more sustainable offshore wind farms.

The idea seems good to me. It is simple and inexpensive, especially when compared to the enormous cost of installing wind towers at sea.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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