Every day you see more advertisements for drones for personal flight. These are small drones for one passenger (or two at most), and they are simple, light and I understand that they are not very expensive (below 100,000 dollars) for those who want to have the whim of flying on their own.

This was quite surprising to me until I learned that in the USA the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) indicates that ultralight vehicles weighing less than 254 pounds (about 115 Kg.) and with a maximum speed of 55 knots (about 110 Km/h ) can fly without the pilot being certified.

In other words, a person can fly at his risk with almost whatever he wants. And when I say at your risk, I include the strong law suit that you will have to face if you cause any damage to someone.

There are many models to be able to fly (in the photo below you can see one), and some are quite original, but I wouldn't think of getting on any of them, because in general they seem very insecure to me.

These small drones for personal flight fall into the type called eVTOL and are offered by different manufacturers. Some are even sold in kit format so that everyone can assemble it in their home garage.

We cannot believe what is shown in the news or on the Internet, because anyone can make a video of what a product will be one day, and when that day comes, the product they really offer may not look like what appeared in the video.

Each one can do what they want with their lives, but with these devices that have no security, I think people are getting a false sense of what until now was an experience of flying, because it was something “safe”, and in my opinion should remain that way.

Although I also recognize that flying with these devices you can experience the adrenaline rush that gives us not knowing if we are going to return alive from the experience.

In short, everyone with their tastes, but I think that journalists should be a little more serious when they deal with the issue of air transportation of people in the news. In my opinion, security is a section that can never be at stake.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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