As almost all products are now "smart", the guns could not be an exception, and several companies are advertising in the US offers of their smart guns.

In North American this market is special, because that is where the most weapons are bought in the world. In 2020 alone, a record of more than 23 million pistols were purchased, and nearly 40% of adults have a weapon at home. A big business no matter where you look, and that is why the associations for the defense of arms are so combative in the rights for the use of arms.

Now different devices are added to the pistols so that they can only be used by their owners, and they are given the adjective intelligent, with the price increase that this entails.

I recognize that it is an additional security measure and can prevent someone from stealing the gun and using it in another attack; although there have also been cases of failures in these supposed protection systems.

Some have fingerprint detectors to ensure that only its owner uses it; others need a ring on the wearer's hand; others a special bracelet; others …… the possibilities are many and some new ones will continue to appear.

Starting this year and the following, this market for smart guns in the USA is expected to grow considerably, and presumably the rest of the world will follow later.

The underlying "problem" is the fact that a large part of the population of a country feels that they "need" to have a gun to protect themselves, and that they are very easy for anyone to buy and with little control.

In the year 2020 in the USA there was the largest increase in homicides since 1960, which coincides with the record in the sale of weapons. Some relationship has to exist and you don't have to be very smart to see it.

Welcome are the "intelligent" products, but an intelligent society is one that does not need its citizens to be armed. To protect us are the security forces.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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