I have done a check myself that anyone can do, and found the "pleasant" surprise that a system equipped with AI answers our questions in a reasoned way, almost as a person with a relatively good training would.

I have entered an Artificial Intelligence website, I have easily registered me to be able to use it, and I have asked the "system" the question that I indicate below, and then I put the answer that the AI has given me without modifying anything.


Question : Prospects of electric cars in the year 2023

ChatGPT's response:

It is difficult to make precise predictions about the future of electric cars with such certainty, since it depends on many factors, such as the evolution of technology, government policies and consumer behavior. However, in 2023 electric cars are likely to have continued to gain ground as an increasingly popular transportation option.

The year 2023 is likely to see a greater availability of electric models on the market and a greater variety of choices for consumers. Battery technology may have advanced even further, allowing electric cars to increase their range and make them more accessible for those who need to take frequent long drives.

In addition, charging infrastructure is likely to continue to improve by 2023, making it easier to charge electric cars in more places. This could include the installation of more charging points in public and private buildings, as well as the implementation of fast charging systems on roads and highways.

Another factor to consider is government policy. It is probable that in 2023 measures will continue to be adopted to encourage the use of electric cars, such as tax exemptions and reductions in the payment of the Circulation Tax for the owners of these vehicles. It is also possible that subsidies will continue to be offered for the purchase of electric cars and for the installation of charging points.

In terms of consumer behaviour, it is likely that by 2023 there will be greater knowledge and awareness of the benefits of electric cars. It is possible that more and more people choose this option due to its greater sustainability and the reduction of costs in the long term.

In summary, it is difficult to predict with certainty what the electric car market will be like in 2023, but it is likely that they will continue to gain ground as an increasingly popular and affordable option for consumers.

It can be seen that the answer is well reasoned and totally logical.

I think it is a very good answer. Which provides us with data on the level of "sophistication" that the AI system has achieved.

From now on it will only improve, and I suppose by leaps and bounds, being able to cover more and more areas of activity.

That said, AI is here to stay and it will affect us (it is already affecting us) in all facets of our lives. And the question that always arises in these cases is: who is in control? Of course not the users.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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