With the new projects for compact nuclear generators to produce electrical energy without polluting the environment, a great controversy is occurring in certain environments, as some people do not accept at all that nuclear energy is not polluting.

It is true that it does not pollute when it generates electricity, but it is no less true that its waste is polluting for many years and must be handled with extreme caution and a certain risk.

The problem is that the best is the enemy of the good. And the challenge of the Climate Crisis is so great that I believe we cannot ignore a technology that allows us to generate energy in a non-polluting way.

I am clear that compact nuclear generators are going to end up being a reality, and as far as I know, one of them has already been approved by North American certifiers, so in a few years it could be on the market.

And given that perspective, some companies like Microsoft have recently stated that they are considering using them to power their Data Centers, and especially now that with the use of Artificial Intelligence, these centers are going to need much more energy.

The generation of electricity through nuclear generators is going to be relaunched, and these generators will be placed near the centers where consumption takes place. And Data Centers have massive energy consumption, which will continue to grow exponentially.

Data Centers that today are huge buildings full of computers, it is possible that in the future they will have a small building next to them where they generate the energy they need.

We have so many things left to see !!

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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