This is the experience that some companies like Wing that are dedicated to making deliveries with drones are gaining.

Wing belongs to the Alphabet group and its drones make deliveries of up to 1.5 kg in weight at distances of up to 20 km. You can see one in the photo below.


There are several companies that are trying to position themselves in this sector and are trying to obtain permits to operate in certain areas and gain experience of its operation, as this is essential for its possible future development.

Among other places, Wing has been operating in the Australian city of Logan since 2019 and its growth has been very important. In the first four months of 2021 it has made more deliveries than in the entire year 2020, and its deliveries continue to increase.

Its main characteristic is the speed of delivery, and in some cases it takes a few minutes from when the order is placed until it is received at the customer's home.

The drones fly at an altitude of 50 meters and when they reach their destination they go down to 7 meters to lower the package and place it on the ground.

Drones have their own navigation system, with cameras and sensors to avoid accidents, but it is clear that their operation is restricted to approved areas where they do not affect air traffic.

A video can be seen at:

And since not everything is perfect, there are some people who have complained about the noise caused by drones in deliveries to their neighbors.

This type of delivery is more feasible in small cities and in urban areas without tall buildings, so companies focus on operating in cities with about 500,000 inhabitants and urban areas with single-family houses.

In cities with tall buildings, operations are very complicated and delivery robots have to be different. But there is no doubt that the problems will be resolved and operations will be sought for those cities, since many shipments are distributed there.

It's all about time.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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