Electric cars have the drawback of the long time it takes to recharge the battery. There are many hours of charging and during that time the car is idle. If the battery could be quickly swapped out for another already charged battery, the car could quickly be up and running again and immediately productive.

With this concept in mind, some companies have developed automatic change systems for electric car batteries, so that in a few minutes (less than five) they are working again.

Robotic systems have been developed that remove the battery from the car from the bottom, and automatically replace it with another charged battery, and the whole process takes a few minutes.

The process consists of removing the screws that cover the battery from the bottom of the car, then the battery is removed and replaced with another, and then the screws that cover the battery are placed again, and the car leaves the station recharge working normally.


In the photo above you can see Nio's system for changing the batteries.

And you can see a video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kZgG58zz8U

It has been in China where they have first started to make these proposals and I think they make a lot of sense, since the only cost is that of recharging the battery and handling the change, which being robotized, is cheaper.

This idea would have a faster implementation if the electric car companies standardized the sizes of the batteries and their placement under the cars. Because in that case, the robot systems to change the batteries would be simpler and the total cost of the change would be cheaper.

The batteries that we have in our cars today are standardized to a few sizes, and there are no compelling technical reasons that prevent the same from happening with electric car batteries.

We would all win. Standardization lowers costs by increasing production batches, and batteries would be much cheaper, something very important to popularize the sale of electric cars.

I don't know when we will see it, but I hope it will be soon.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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