Everyone knows that the future of cars will be more technological, more interconnected and with a great importance of software in the operation and total control of the car. And that’s why the "big ones" of software (Apple, Google, and someone else) want to make sure that this market does not escape them and that they will be part of the new platforms of the new cars.

And that's also why Apple and Google have been offering their Apple Car https://appleinsider.com/inside/apple-car  (Car Play) and Google Car https://waymo.com/  with various variants for a few years, so that their "system" is within a part of the total car platform, and the more functions it performs, better for them.

These systems offers to the car manufacturer its applications for maps and driving assistance, music, door opening, etc ... and they want to introduce themselves in controlling the air conditioning system, seat control, etc ... to participate in maximum of this new market for mobile communications in cars.


But car companies are not stupid and they also want to control the "systems" of their vehicles and get the most benefit from them, because at the bottom of it all is to succeed the maximum income.

Apple and Google have the advantage of the enormous number of users of their systems (many hundreds of millions of people), but the greats of the automotive sector such as GM, Ford and others, want to be the ones to rule the baton in what they consider to be "their business “, that of the automotive industry.

We are beginning to see a fight between these giants to see who will take the lead, and as always it is more than likely that partial agreements will be reached; although it is clear to me that car manufacturers have very clear their ideas in order not to miss out on this enormous business opportunity that presents itself.

For your information, Ford recently hired Doug Field who was responsible for the Apple Car Project.

In any case, it is curious to see how large companies (Apple, Google, etc ...) are entering other market areas and they are getting bigger every day.

And everything indicates that it will continue to be that way.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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