Mi nombre es Amador Palacios, soy ingeniero de telecomunicación y como ingeniero me gustan en general los temas técnicos, pero como esto es algo muy amplio voy a concentrarme enmi Blog en un sector que me gusta y veo con un gran futuro, y es el de la robótica en sentido amplio y los temas relacionados con ella.

And I define "robotics" as any machine controlled by a computer system.

Robots are a whole world that begins with more or less large robots, continues with mini-robots and then goes on to nano-robots that can be introduced into our body.

Drones are robots that fly and are going to have a spectacular development, even transporting people, since they are already transporting goods.

Autonomous cars could be considered 4-wheel robots controlled by great software with the help of Artificial Intelligence. This is going to be in the near future (it will start in 2 or 3 years) for an important part of cars

Something similar happens with airplanes. For dozens of years, large airplanes have been flying alone with a computer that controls them and follows the “flight plan”. The pilot controls the plane on takeoff and landing, and this is also automatic through ILS at the main airports, but the pilots feel more comfortable handling the device themselves.

For those who do not know, a short time ago an automatic landing system was added to a small plane. In the event of a problem, the pilot presses a button and the aircraft contacts the nearest control tower and lands on its own.

And finally I also include Artificial Intelligence, as it is a computer program capable of learning by itself and making its own decisions based on "its learned experience". It can do things that humans cannot do and he already beats us in all mind games.

All these interrelated areas could be called in some way "intelligent robotics" or something similar (if you have a better idea I thank you for it) and I want to discuss it in my Blogs.

Another topic that is imperatively topical and that interests me is that of Climate Change and Pollution, as both are related. It is something that will affect my grandchildren and their descendants, and that every day more people are going to be interested in. And if we don't get involved, our descendants will pay dearly.

And finally, although not last, I am interested in what happens to our Society; freedom, democracy, privacy and in general the rights that citizens who live in democratic societies have and that on many occasions we do not value enough, and we do not fight to defend them. And I think it’s something that we must do .

I think that by reflecting on these three main areas of interest I can contribute my bit to the challenge we all face with the changes that lie ahead.

And of course any opinion you send me is more than welcome.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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