Every day a multitude of reflections are written about how AI is going to affect the tasks that humans perform today. And these reflections are some more catastrophic than others, but in general they tend to introduce fear into people.

I'm not saying that AI is going to be good for everyone, but I think that in general it will be more positive than anything else. And I start from the basis that we will be able to set limits so that its consequences are not negative for humanity.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that is advancing by leaps and bounds. New advancements in AI are being developed every day, which is having an increasing impact on our lives.

One of the most relevant aspects of the development of AI is its impact on the tasks that humans perform today. AI has the potential to automate many of these tasks, which could lead to job losses.

This is a topic that generates much debate and concern. Some experts believe that AI could lead to a major economic crisis, as millions of people could lose their jobs. Other experts believe that AI will create new jobs, as people will be needed to develop, implement and maintain AI systems.

In my opinion, AI has the potential to be a very positive force for humanity. It can help us solve some of the world's most pressing problems, such as climate change, poverty and disease. It can also help us be more efficient and productive in our work.

However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of AI. If not properly controlled, AI could be used for malicious purposes, such as developing autonomous weapons or manipulating people.

It is essential that we work to develop AI responsibly and ethically. We must ensure that AI is used for the good of humanity and not its destruction.

AI is already having a significant impact on the tasks humans perform today. For example, AI is used to automate tasks in industry, healthcare, and customer service. Tasks carried out by people with high technical capacity, the so-called “white collar”.

In general, it is not so much about thinking about which jobs will disappear, but rather about what tasks will be performed by humans and which by AI. And something very important, the mix between one and the other (tasks that people can do more efficiently with the help of AI).

AI has the potential to be a very positive force for humanity. For example, AI can be used to develop new drugs and treatments for diseases. It can also be used to optimize the use of natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

If not properly controlled, AI could be used for malicious purposes, such as developing autonomous weapons or manipulating people. For example, AI could be used to develop weapons that could kill without human intervention. It could also be used to create propaganda systems that could manipulate public opinion.

It is essential that we work to develop AI responsibly and ethically. We must ensure that AI is used for the good of humanity and not its destruction. And in this area, governments have a lot to say, something they have barely done until now.It is essential that we work to develop AI responsibly and ethically. We must ensure that AI is used for the good of humanity and not its destruction. And in this area, governments have a lot to say, something they have barely done until now.

In short, I think that when talking about AI we should be more specific about the tasks that people do today, and which ones could change and be more efficient with the help of AI. If we talk about tasks instead of professions, we will see that most professions perform tasks that can be improved with AI.

And it is also important not to be afraid, since technologies end up being implemented sooner rather than later, and we must be willing to change our habits to adapt to them as soon as possible. Those who adapt first are the most benefitted.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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