As technological advances are taken advantage of by everyone (both good and bad people) some experts warn us that AI will also help increase the level of Spam we will receive, both in quantity and quality.

Already today we receive a high amount of Spam, Fakes, etc... and the new AI technology provides new and better tools so that the "criminals" are able to avoid the current "blockers" of Spam, and reach us.

It is always the same fight between one and the other, and both parties use the technology for what is convenient for them. Some to protect us and others to attack us. 

The problem is that new AI technologies can make it much more likely that a spam person is impersonating one of us, thus misleading us.

We must know that spam is big business. With the expense of a few dollars, a Spam e-mail can generate around 1,000 dollars in a few hours. And in the case of pharmaceutical matters, it can reach almost 10,000 dollars. These are big words.

With the depth of information from AI, it will allow the generation of more individualized and persuasive messages, which can make it easy for us to fall into error.

It is to be hoped that Spam filters will also improve their features with the help of AI, and presumably they will protect us a little better. How far they will protect us remains to be seen.

I think that everything will remain in the eternal fight between police and criminals using the same technologies. Of course we will also have to learn new things to try to defend ourselves a little better.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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