The new virtual or mixed reality technologies (which some generically call the metaverse) are already being used in the automotive world, both to help sell new models and to carry out repair and manufacturing tasks.

Virtual reality allows us to put on a pair of glasses and see in them the model of car that we like, and find all the information we need there, and even have the experience of a simulated trip in that car that we like.

This is a powerful new sales tool that can be taken to any distributor, helping to improve the customer experience before making a possible purchase.

Ya hay diversas empresas que utilizan estas tecnologías en sus procesos de venta como General Motors, Stellantis, BMW, etc …   A modo de ejemplo, para la promoción y venta del nuevo modelo Fiat 500 en USA, han utilizado gafas con de tecnología Microsoft para que los clientes puedan tener una inmersión virtual en el coche antes de comprarlo.

These technologies are available today, and from what I have read they have been widely used at the last CES in Las Vegas this year. Because they serve to present and publicize what you want in a much more immersive way, and it is a way of making a potential client have a different "experience".

Because today what people like to buy are "experiences". Something that makes them feel a little different.

According to statements by a representative of the Stellantis group, they expect that by the year 2030 they will achieve 40% of their sales in the USA through these means. It seems to me a very high percentage, but it is clear that young people are buying more and more online.

And these technologies are not only used to sell things (cars, houses, etc...) but also to train and share. With mixed reality glasses, factory operators can be trained so that they have additional information in their glasses to what they are seeing in reality, and explain to them what they have to do.

In fact, Mercedes and Toyota use Microsoft's HoloLens glasses to help service technicians at some dealerships. They can receive online remote support from an expert who helps them solve any problem they face.

Apart from the fact that a lot is written about the metaverse, what is very clear is that virtual and mixed reality glasses are here to stay, and their applications will improve and increase over time.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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