Photo by Tim Mossholder

The sudden change of regime in Afghanistan will make many people try to find a better life wherever they can, starting with neighboring countries (which are quite poor) and trying to reach other more prosperous countries such as Europe.

Europe is further away but its pull effect is greater and many people make enormous sacrifices to get there. And to get there, they must do so through southern Europe, which is where the poorest areas of Europe are, without the intention of offending anyone.

These areas have already had and are under migratory pressure, and this pressure will continue to increase. Greece, just in case, has built a 40 km wall on its border with Turkey (you can see a photo below) to try to stop this avalanche.

It is a symbolic work more than anything, since many people arrive by boat to the many coastal areas.

refugee camp-Photo by Julie Ricard

The human problem that we face is of a great magnitude that is not solved with walls but with policies to help the poorest countries so that people have a future there without the need to emigrate to other distant countries.

This is easy to say but very difficult to do, since there are many conflicting interests, especially between the different rich countries, since the poor only want to receive “aid” that is often stolen by their leaders to be entered into their private accounts in Western banks from countries that call themselves neutral.

Cynicism occurs everywhere and at all levels.

If we add to the wars the problems derived from climate change, which will further impoverish those who are already poor, we have the absolute guarantee that immigration from the south to Europe will increase significantly, and we in Spain are one of the important access points.

And the question that arises is: what are we going to do?

Without international collaboration and aid "in situ" to people in needy countries, this problem has no solution

After the Second World War, a Marshall Plan was created that helped to develop Europe and to get it out of a miserable post-war period with some speed.

Now there are people who advocate for a European and global New Green Deal to alleviate what is coming our way. New Green Deal tanto europeo como mundial para paliar lo que se nos viene encima.

Will we have politicians with the high-mindedness necessary to tackle a global problem with the energy that is required?

I have my serious doubts, and I would like nothing more than to be wrong.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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