The pandemic forced everyone to adapt to the new reality and try to serve customers online, and then the situation has remained more or less the same, with everyone discovering the benefits (and yes, also some problems ) of on-line communications.

The greatest advantage is the ease of communicating from a distance, without wasting our time (or that of others) in making trips that can be avoided.

I have read with interest some tests that have been carried out in an American hospital comparing the answers given by doctors to their patients, and those given by an AI system based on ChatGPT.

In a hospital in San Diego (USA) where doctors already responded to some patients online, they tested responding to these patients with an AI system (ChatGPT 3.5) and compared the responses that were sent to those customers.

Y la comparación la hicieron con un equipo de médicos que midieron ( asignaron unos valores numéricos ) la precisión de las respuestas, la empatía, etc …  Y también mezclaron los dos tipos de respuestas para que a la hora de valorar los especialistas en medicina no supiesen de antemano si había respondido una persona o una máquina.

And surprisingly, the result has favored the answers given by the machine over those given by the doctors. Testers preferred the AI responses 78.6% of the time, finding that overall the AI provided more empathetic responses. Something surprising.

They also measured that the doctors' responses had an average of 52 words, while the AI's had an average of 211 words.

Of course, these are just some data, objective, yes, from an isolated exercise carried out in a hospital, but I think it indicates a trend of where things can go in the future.

The AI will be introduced through all the loopholes of human activity, and will bring great improvements, which as always will benefit some and harm others.

It will be necessary to limit its possible damages (which there are), so that people are not harmed, and that corresponds to others more competent than me. And I sincerely hope they do it !!!

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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