People who have an orchard or a small garden and want to keep it in good condition must spend considerable time removing weeds, and that is quite laborious for anyone, especially when the person has reached a certain age.

And to avoid these tasks, there is a simple robot on the market that is capable of going through a garden eliminating weeds. It is offered by the Tertill company that was created by one of the founders of the Roomba company (famous for its robots for cleaning the home).

And of course, its operation is similar to that of the Roomba, since it runs through the entire garden by itself, respects the existing plants and along the way eliminates the weeds it comes upon.

Tertill is a robotic weed remover for the garden. It is a small solar powered robot that patrols your garden looking for weeds to remove.

It uses a simple method to distinguish weeds from desirable plants: weeds are short, plants are tall. If it touches a plant that is larger than 2.5 centimeters, it knows that it is a desirable plant and leaves it alone. If it goes under a plant that's shorter than an inch, it knows it's a weed and cuts it down with a string trimmer attached to its underside.

Tertill is designed for use in small to medium sized gardens and is very easy to set up and use. It is simply placed in the garden, the button is pressed and it is left to do its work. The robot can patrol the garden for up to 8 hours a day, 7 days a week.

This system has a number of advantages over traditional weed control methods. It is more effective than pulling weeds by hand, as you can kill them before they grow. It is also more environmentally friendly than the use of herbicides, since it does not pollute the soil or water.

Tertill is also a more convenient way to control weeds. You don't have to bend down or kneel to pull weeds. You can just sit back and relax while the robot does the work for you.

This robot is a relatively new product, but it has already received positive reviews from users. It has been praised for its effectiveness, convenience, and environmental friendliness.

Tertill uses a combination of sensors and algorithms to identify weeds and remove them. The robot has a height sensor that detects plants that are less than 2.5 centimeters. If it goes under a plant that's less than an inch, it knows it's a weed and cuts it down with a string trimmer.

And it also has a proximity sensor that detects objects that are less than 4 inches away. This sensor helps you avoid colliding with plants or other objects in the garden.

In addition to height and proximity sensors, Tertill also uses algorithms to identify weeds. These algorithms are based on the fact that weeds tend to be shorter and have thinner leaves than desirable plants.

To prevent the robot from killing your plants, you must plant them at least 4 inches apart. You should also use metal plant guards to protect any plants that are too small to be detected by the height sensor.

This robot is not very expensive, I have seen that in the USA they sell it for $250, and in some European countries for almost double.

Overall, Tertill is a great choice for people who want to control weeds in their yard without using herbicides or bending over to remove them.

If you are looking for a way to control weeds in your garden without using herbicides, a robot like this can be a good option, since it is effective, convenient and respectful with the environment.

A video can be seen at:

If we think a little, we can realize the enormous possibilities that we have today with robots, and those possibilities will continue to increase with the passage of time. Another good thing about technology.

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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