After a long time of "darkness" regarding the issue of UFOs, the US Pentagon has finally opened the issue and they have decided to declassify much of the information collected in recent years, so that it can be analyzed by different experts and see if they can come to some kind of conclusion.

In the hearing held in mid-May, the participants recognized that there were many sightings that they did not know how to explain, but that they could not guarantee that they were of extraterrestrial origin. They were simply inexplicable and proposed to be more analyzed.

I think it is an intelligent policy, because hiding the facts only serves to generate more or less conspiracy theories, and some are frankly curious.

Considering the magnitude of the Universe, it is almost impossible to think of what may exist millions of light years from us. And due to these enormous existing distances, the fact that they come to see us is enormously difficult, although those who like the subject have a great time elaborating more or less ingenious theories.

And we also have to take into account that on Earth we have a force called "gravity" that affects us all, and based on it we have all evolved to become what we are. We live with that “force” applied to us. That is why we have bones to support our structure and a heart that pumps blood to reach our entire body.

And the same thing happens with all the animals, all the plants, etc… A world with a different gravity would be different, and therefore the organisms that lived in it would be different. Everyone must live adapted to their environment, and ours is the Earth, but that of others...

I am in favor of dealing with things clearly and without obscurantism, and it seems to me that the committee created by the Pentagon is going to reach very few conclusions, apart from recognizing that we do not have answers for everything.

But those who like otherworldly theories will continue to speculate as they have until now.

The pity is that meanwhile we are destroying the wonderful world in which we have had to live filling it with garbage and pollution, because of our stupidity and short-term selfishness. A real pity

By Amador Palacios

Reflections of Amador Palacios on topics of Social and Technological News; other opinions different from mine are welcome

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